Orang-utan with baby at Semengoh Wildlife Centre in Sarawak
Orang-utans at Semengoh Wildlife Centre in Sarawak
Our cabin at Bako National Park
Green Pit Viper in a tree by our cabin at Bako
Long-tailed Macaque Bako National Park
Sliver Leaf Monkey or Silvered langur (Presbytis cristata)
Mangroves Bako National Park
Mud Skippers at Bako
Mud Skippers at Bako
Natasha, Helen and Sebastian at the top of plateau in Bako
Weathered sandstone surface on the plateau at Bako
View from the plateau at Bako
Nepenthes rafflesiana with typical lower pitcher morphology
Nepenthes rafflesiana with typical aerial pitcher morphology
Nepenthes ampullaceae lower pitchers
Sebastian and Natasha climbing down from the plateau at Bako
Tangle of tree roots at Bako
Eating out in Kuching
Sungai Sarawak Kuching
Fisherman on Sungai Sarawak Kuching
Longboat trip on Batang Ai heading to the longhouse
Children playing in river at Nanga Sumpa Longhouse
Children at Nanga Sumpa Longhouse
Longboats at Nanga Sumpa Longhouse
Nanga Sumpa Longhouse a traditional Iban longhouse as seen from the river
Guesthouse at Nanga Sumpa
Our room at Nanga Sumpa
Sebastian at Nanga Sumpa
Inside the guesthouse at Nanga Sumpa
Helen and Natasha inside the guesthouse at Nanga Sumpa
Inside common area at Nanga Sumpa
Mother with child at the longhouse
Iban dancers Nanga Sumpa Longhouse
Iban dancer
Iban dancer
Oscar with Draco volans
Large centipede
Soon after arriving in Kuching we visited the Semengoh Wildlife Centre before going on to Bako National Park.
Bako National Park is located in a peninsula and is considered to be one of the best places in Sarawak to see wildlife in natural surroundings. To get to the park we took a 20-minute boat ride from Kampung Bako. The cabins here were simple but adequate, washing facilities were very basic and you were often accompanied by rats, which chewed anything that was left out.
We saw quite a few of these snakes during our hikes through the rainforest
Long-tailed Macaques were common and could be a problem at meal times as they would steal food at any opportunity.
These monkeys live in troops and share the same territory as the proboscis monkey. Leaf monkeys were also quite common around the cabins.
It took 1.5 - 2 hour to climb from the mangrove swamps up the steep sandstone escarpment to the plateau and get this fantastic view of the South China Sea
The plateau at Bako is a paradise for anybody interested in insectivorous plants. Nepenthes rafflesiana has two types of pitcher morphology lower and aerial.
The massed ranks of tangled roots made walking difficult.
After leaving Bako we returned to Kuching to do some much needed laundry and prepare for out trip to Batang Ai
We stayed in this guesthouse on the other side of the river.
All four of us slept on mattresses surrounded by mosquito nets in this very cosy room.
On one of our extended hikes from Nanga Sumpa Natasha had a close encounter with this Draco
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Orang-utan with baby at Semengoh Wildlife Centre in Sarawak
Soon after arriving in Kuching we visited the Semengoh Wildlife Centre before going on to Bako National Park.